Presidential Candidates 2012
This page is just a handy reference to the charts of the Presidential Candidates.
For ongoing analysis please see my blog Star Currents
Name |
Birthdate |
Time |
Place |
Data rating |
Barak Obama |
August 4, 1961 |
7:24 PM |
Honolulu, Hawai`i |
AA |
Michele Bachman |
April 6, 1956 |
12:08 AM |
Waterloo, Iowa |
DD |
Herman Cain |
December 13, 1945 |
unknown |
Memphis, Tennessee |
X |
Newt Gingrich |
June 17, 1945 |
11:45 PM |
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania |
DD |
Jon Huntsman |
March 26, 1960 |
11:58 AM |
Redwood City, California |
AA |
Ron Paul |
August 20, 1935 |
unknown |
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
X |
Rick Perry |
March 4, 1950 |
10:40 AM |
Haskell, Texas |
A |
Mitt Romney |
March 12, 1947 |
9:51 AM |
Detroit, Michigan |
AA |
Rick Santorum |
May 10, 1958 |
unknown |
Winchester, Virginia |
X |
Data Ranking follows the system devised by Lois Rodden.
AA = As recorded by family or state
A = Quoted by the person, a family member, or a reliable friend
DD = "Dirty Data" There is conflicting information, none really realiable.
X = No time of birth. In these cases I use a solar chart set for noon, local time.

Star Currents